Author Pete Vordenberg is the retired US Team Head Coach of (not coincidentally) our best team in decades. He is a two-time Olympian and National Champion.
This book is special for a few reasons. One, it highlights the junior years, which no other outdoor sports book does. Two, Pete is telling stories here. It’s not just sports writing. And the stories are often about other people. Pete knows he stands on shoulders. So it has a big cast of characters. Lastly, if you’re nuts about sport, you know it’s year-round. XC skiers maybe take off April then get going again. So ski stories aren’t only about winter anymore.
Here’s how the book starts: “The trick is to leap out of bed as soon as you are aware of consciousness. Up, into motion, no time for doubt, no questions asked. New day. Game on. Eli Brown taught me that. He wakes up awake. His eyes open and he’s swinging legs over the bed, popping out from under the covers. Eli attacks from the gun. Then we are out the door and in the van — on our way to work on the dream. On our way to training. This is a mission. Every day is a mission.”
Momentum is “the best XC ski read ever,” says Bob Gregg, editor of Master Skier magazine. In Momentum Vordenberg opens up skiing in a way we haven’t seen before. It shows a life of chasing a near-impossible dream without excuses. Why bother trying to do something as futile as win Olympic gold in XC? No American has done it. Read the book and see! Momentum gives you the only look at life inside the scrappy do-it-all US ski team of the late 1990’s.